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Hair Follicle Inflammatory Disease Biology (HFIDB) Research Grant

The Department of Dermatology at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University invites Early Career Investigators working at the level of Instructor through Associate Professor in the field of Hair Follicle Biology to apply for the Hair Follicle Inflammatory Disease Biology (HFIDB) Research Grant for up to $100,000 (over 2 years).

The individual selected for the HFIDB Award must have a strong career goal within the field of investigative dermatology. Responsive applications are anticipated to address research areas including:

  1. the interaction of hair follicle development and function with inflammation, or
  2. bulge area niche biology/disease as connected to microbiome, stem cells, innate and adaptive immunity, or
  3. metabolomic and inflammatory interactions between host epithelium, immunocytes, and microbes.

In addition, the research must focus on discoveries in the clinical or translational medical sciences designed to affect the understanding or treatment of skin disorders (e.g., acne, hidradenitis suppurativa, and rosacea).

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must have an MD/PhD, DO/PhD, PhD, or MD or DO with extensive research training;
  • MD applicant must have completed a U.S. dermatology residency program and have at least 2 years of experience in research;
  • PhD applicants must have completed at least 2 years post-doctoral training in cutaneous biology;
  • MD and DO applicants must have a strong basic research background. PhD must have a strong cutaneous biology background;
  • The applicant must spend a minimum of 75% of his/her professional time in research;
  • Up to 20% PI effort (NIH salary cap) can be supported;
  • Junior faculty in a department or division of dermatology, Instructor through Assistant Professor level, at the time of funding will be given preference
  • Applicant must be based at a U.S. Institution

Application Submission / Deadline

The UHCMC HFIDB Award application deadline is June 1st, 2022. The application must be submitted with all required attachments in Adobe PDF file format. All applications should be sent to Ms. Maryann Bolden and Dr. Thomas S. McCormick. A confirmation email will be sent upon receipt of the application. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Application Requirements

The Grant application must include the following components:

  1. A letter (no more than 2 pages) from the applicant stating:
    1. Career goals and plans for achieving these goals;
    2. A description of plans to obtain further research support after completing this award;
    3. Acknowledgment of the requirement to submit a progress report and an expenditure report at 12 months to allow eligibility for the second year of funding, and at the end of the 24 month award period;
    4. Acknowledgement of the requirement to identify Donor support in all relevant research- related presentations and publications;
    5. Acknowledgement to keep UHCMC Department of Dermatology informed of current and future relevant presentations and publications.
  2. A curriculum vitae including education and training, academic appointments, key publications, and summary of ALL past (5 years), present, and pending research support specifying award titles, agencies, periods of support, and total direct costs.
  3. A letter of support written by the Associated Chair of Dermatology on behalf of the candidate, covering the above requirements, endorsing the applicant and the proposal, and confirming the institution’s commitment to provide time and support to the applicant (no more than three pages).
  4. A research proposal (no more than 3 pages for items 1-5 below) prepared by the candidate detailing the title, purpose, materials, methods and projected results. Proposals must be typed in Arial 11 pt. type with 0.5-inch margins.

    A suggested format for the Research Proposal is listed below:
    1. Specific Aims: What do you intend to accomplish? What hypothesis is to be tested?
    2. Significance: What is the clinical/translational impact of the research? Evaluate existing knowledge in the field and rigor/reproducibility of the current research.
    3. Preliminary Studies: Provide current preliminary data supporting the research Aims and Objectives.
    4. Experimental Design: How will the research be accomplished? Describe the experimental design, the procedures to be used, and the manner in which the data will be analyzed, including the statistical/bioinformatic approach, and anticipated results/alternative strategies.
    5. Timeline
    6. Literature Cited

      Human Subjects: Applications related to research on human subjects must be accompanied by written institutional review board approval or demonstration of a submitted IRB proposal prior to the release of HFIDB Award funds.

      Animal Studies: Applications that involve research on animals must demonstrate their relevance to clinical dermatology. In addition, they must be accompanied by written institutional Animal Care and Use Committee review board or submitted IACUC proposal prior to the release of Award funds.

  5. A line item budget and justification for the research project must be attached. Travel expenses up to $1500 may be included and must be documented. Indirect costs to the sponsoring institution are prohibited.
Selection Process
Selection of the recipient is projected to occur by July 1st, 2022 upon review by the UHCMC HFIDB Grant Committee.
Grant Award Process
Contract execution will be required and following full and timely completion, funding will start on August 1st, 2022 unless otherwise requested by the Award recipient.