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Parkinson’s & Movement Disorders

While movement disorders are typically not life threatening, they can impact a patient’s independence and ability to complete daily tasks. The neurology team at University Hospitals works collaboratively to manage or even slow down movement disorders while helping patients retain their quality of life.

Movement disorders are considered any condition in which a patient suffers from involuntary muscle movement. Symptoms can include:

  • Tremors and tics
  • Balance problems
  • Loss or limited mobility
  • Other involuntary responses

Movement Disorders We Treat

Our board-certified neurology team takes a step-by-step approach to diagnose your specific movement condition and determine how it affects your physical, emotional and psychological well-being. We treat a variety of movement disorders, including:

  • Parkinson’s disease: A degenerative disorder associated with tremors, stiffness and impaired balance and coordination, Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that can have serious complications.
  • Essential tremors: A neurological disorder that causes rhythmic shaking, most often in the hands. 
  • Dystonia: Causing involuntary muscle contractions, dystonia often includes symptoms such as repetitive or twisting movements.
  • Spasticity: Due to continuous involuntary muscle contractions, spasticity causes stiffness or tightness in muscles that affects movement.
  • Huntington’s disease: An inherited disease, Huntington’s is a progressive disease that breaks down the nerve cells in the brain and causes functional, cognitive or psychiatric issues. UH Neurological Institute is pleased to offer expert diagnosis and treatment for patients and families at the Huntington’s Disease Clinic.
  • Tourette syndrome: A type of tic disorder, Tourette syndrome is a condition that causes involuntary and repeated movement or vocalizations.

Range of Personalized Movement Disorder Treatment Options

At UH, we work closely with you to identify your quality-of-life goals and then partner with our colleagues throughout the UH system to provide treatment options that address both your specific condition and your unique goals. These may include medication therapies, surgery, physical and occupational therapy or other treatments.

Through a continuous focus on research and discovery, our movement disorder specialists keep up-to-date on evolving movement disorder therapies as new medications and treatments are tested and approved. One increasingly promising treatment for Parkinson’s disease is deep brain stimulation. For patients, this specialized treatment can dramatically improve independence and quality of life.

Helping You Understand Your Movement Disorder

Managing movement disorders can be challenging since your capabilities are always changing. Tasks you could do recently without issue—like swallowing or walking—may gradually cause issues or difficulties. At UH, we work hard to make sure you understand what to expect from your disease. Our annual Parkinson’s Disease Boot Camp, you and your loved ones will learn exercise techniques, mind and body wellness practices, and invigorating skills to manage Parkinson’s.

As your condition progresses, our movement disorder neurologists will support you along the way and modify treatment as necessary.

Parkinson’s patients need more guidance from their neurological team if hospitalized for another reason since their disease and treatment therapies are often complex and our neurology team is ready to assist. At UH, we have processes in place to make sure our Parkinson’s patients get very focused attention from a multidisciplinary team while in the hospital to make sure your care and outcomes are optimal. Visit our patient resources page to learn more about support programs for managing your Parkinson’s disease. 

Providing Treatment Close to Home

Once your care plan is in place, you can access many of the therapies at several of our locations in northeast Ohio. Our goal is to make treatment easy, so you can quickly get medications, go to follow-up appointments and receive treatments in a convenient setting close to home. 

Make an Appointment Today

Your health is important. Get expert care.

You can book an appointment with a UH Neurological expert close to home by calling 440-860-2177.

Virtual visits and virtual second opinions also are available. Learn more about virtual visit.