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Libby Gill, LPMT, MT-BC

Libby Gill, MT-BC, LPMT

Libby Gill, LPMT, MT-BC, is a board-certified music therapist and Expressive Therapies Program lead with University Hospitals Connor Whole Health. She serves adult inpatients at University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center and provides administrative and clinical support on the expressive therapies team.

Libby graduated with her bachelor’s degree in music therapy from the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio, with a minor in psychology. She completed her six-month internship at UH Cleveland Medical Center before joining UH Connor Whole Health in 2016. Working from a music-centered and trauma-informed approach, Libby aims to create experiences of meaning and reprieve within a patient's hospitalization, while emphasizing an empathetic therapeutic relationship and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations.

In her spare time, Libby enjoys writing and recording music, practicing yoga, and exploring the Cleveland Metroparks.

Education and Credentials

  • Bachelor of Music, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio
  • MT-BC, Board Certified Music Therapist


“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop

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