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Getting Ready For Your First Visit to University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center

New Patient Health History Form

Before your visit, please print and fill out our new patient health history form.

Where to Check In

If you enter UH Seidman Cancer Center through the main doors, you will be in the Lobby. Go to the Adelman Family Welcome Center in the Lobby. A staff member will direct you to the area you need.

If you enter on the First Floor, you will be in the Robinson Family Pavilion. Take the stairs or elevators down one floor to reach the Adelman Family Welcome Center. They will kindly direct you to your appointment area.

Learn more about how to prepare for your first appointment and what you can expect:

Our Staff Is Here to Help

We respect your right to receive information about your healthcare that you and your family can understand.

Please let our staff know:

  • What language you prefer to use for talking about your healthcare
  • If you and/or the person you have chosen as your healthcare decision maker need an interpreter or a translator
  • If you need help filling out any forms
  • If you have a hearing, speech, visual and/or mobility impairment that requires an aid, service or extra assistance
  • If you need help understanding your healthcare information
  • If you have any other needs that require help or that are not being met

If you are unable to make your own healthcare decisions, then the person you have chosen as your healthcare decision maker should notify us of any of the above needs that they may have.

Patient Advocate

The patient advocate is an additional point of contact to assist you and your family with concerns, expedite services and provide emotional support. They can help with various issues, including communication, policies and procedures, quality of care, safety, lost items, advanced directives and even general information about the hospital and our communities. If you encounter a problem, we encourage you to talk directly with your care provider first. If you are still not satisfied, or if you prefer to discuss your concern with a third party, please contact the patient advocate.

To speak to a patient care advocate, dial 47502 or 216-844-7502 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.