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Academic Articles & News

Showing    of 238 results

eye illustration

Visionary Leadership, Innovation and Clinical Research Transform the Future of Ophthalmology

Jonathan Lass, MD, an expert in corneal transplantation and imaging, shares insights into the groundbreaking work of the UH Eye Image Analysis Reading Centers, advancements in treating various eye conditions and the future of eye care.

Getty image illustration for student research

Mentored Summer Research Program in Health Services Research for High School, College, and Medical School Students

UH Research & Education Update | September 2024

Certificate in Foundations of Health Services Research second cohort graduation class 2024

Second Cohort Graduates from the UH Certificate in Foundations of Health Services Research Program

UH Research & Education Update | September 2024

Illustration depicting artificial intelligence

University Hospitals Excels at the Forefront of Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare, Enhancing Clinical Outcomes, Research, and Administrative Functions

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare landscape, rapidly advancing diagnostic precision and treatment, and streamlining administrative tasks to enable more patient-centered care

Getty images depicting mental illness

Ambitious Statewide Mental Health Study Recruiting at UH

UH Clinical Update | August 2024

MR Fingerprinting

Interprofessional Synergy: Transforming Radiology with MR Fingerprinting

Chaitra Badve, MD and Dan Ma, PhD discuss the collaborative relationship aimed to develop and use MR fingerprinting to transform clinical care.

Getty image illustrating hearing sciences

NEOMED Hearing Collaboration Highlighted in 2024 State of Research Address

Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Summer 2024

Getty image illustration of CFTR protein

Simplifying Cystic Fibrosis Therapy Leads To Cost Savings And Reduced Treatment Burden

Innovations in Pulmonology Critical Care & Sleep Medicine | Summer 2024

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