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Medical Students

Welcome to the medical student page through University Hospitals Eye Institute. The following information will help you navigate through various ophthalmology-related medical school experiences, in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University.

Visiting Medical Student Program

The Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences provides clinical electives and acting internships for medical students in their final year of medical school from the United States as well as approved international medical schools.

Medical students at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine are given first priority for all rotations. However, non-Case Western Reserve University students may participate in electives and acting internships only if space is available. Only students who are in good standing in their own medical schools will be accepted.

We ask that non-CWRU visiting students DO NOT contact departments directly. If you have any questions, please fill out the Undergraduate Medical Office's online contact form.

Ophthalmology Electives


Medical Student Rotations

David and Stella Lass Medical Student Ophthalmology Research Endowment Fund

The David and Stella Lass Medical Student Ophthalmology Research Endowment Fund was established by Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lass and sister Mrs. Hedvah Bressler in memory of their parents who supported Dr. Lass’ medical education and the opportunity to pursue a career in medicine and science.

The Fund is meant to inspire and support medical students pursuing a research question in ophthalmology and the visual sciences by helping to fund a pilot project and/or attend a vision research conference.  With that early spark of inspiration can come a career of asking why and develop new treatments for blinding disorders with an increasingly aging population.  We are thrilled with the awardees and their contributions to ophthalmology research that will further our department’s mission: To Fight Blindness, Improve and Restore Sight, and Ease Suffering.

2023 Lass Medical Student Ophthalmology Research Endowment Fund Award Recipients

  • Bridger Jeppesen
  • Christie Campla
  • David Oh