Other Ways to Help UH Cleveland
We realize that not everyone's interest and availability will match our on-site needs. We hope that you or your group will consider organizing a donation drive for items that benefit our patients and families. The following are items we always need:
Waiting Area Items
Crossword puzzles, word search books, new decks of playing cards and new games are diversionary items we can also use.
Non-Medical Items
University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Hanna House Skilled Nursing Facility maintain wish lists of needed non-medical items. Items range from bubbles and small craft items to electronics. All sizes and shapes of quilted, knit, and crocheted items are needed for our patients in UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital (ages birth to 18 years of age), for infants in University Hospitals MacDonald Women's Hospital, and adults in Hanna House Skilled Nursing Area. We are happy to accept your handmade blankets, quilts, hats, booties, and other items from a smoke-free home. Learn more about the non-medical items on our wish lists.
Cardiac Heart Pillows
Another great volunteer opportunity involves making “heart pillows” for our heart surgery patients. Patients use these heart-shaped pillows after surgery to support the sternum when coughing. Patterns for these easy-to-make pillows can be found online – just search for “making cardiac heart pillows”. Our Volunteer Services staff suggests using lighter-colored fabrics for the pillows because patients often have their care providers sign them. Please contact our Volunteer Services Department for more information.
Smiles with Style
The Mission at Smiles with Style is to put a smile on the face of every child suffering from illness. By doing so we create hope and lift the spirits of sick children.
Please consider donating any of the items from our wish list.
Donations may also be mailed to:
University Hospitals
Volunteer Services Department
11100 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
Be sure to include a contact name and address so that we can properly thank you.
If you would like to participate in one of the suggested off-site opportunities or have other “virtual volunteer” ideas, please contact us for further details.
Episodic Volunteer Activities
If you would like to participate in one of the following suggested off-site opportunities or have other volunteer ideas, please contact us for further details.
- Quilted, knitted and crocheted items are needed for our patients at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital (birth to 18 years of age), for infants at University Hospitals MacDonald Women’s Hospital, and adults in Hanna House Skilled Nursing Facility. We are happy to accept your hand-made blankets, quilts, hats, booties and other items from a smoke-free home.
- UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospitals, the MAP Clinic, Hanna House Skilled Nursing Facility and Smiles with Style maintain “wish lists” of needed non-medical items ranging from bubbles and small craft items to electronics. Please call 216-844-1504 to have a copy of the wish list sent to you.