Observational Study for Mood Disorders
A Long-Term, Observational, Multi-Center Patient Outcome Registry to Collect Data in Patients for the Scientific Study of Causes, Treatments and Illness Course of Mood Disorders
Study Purpose
This research study is a Registry. A Registry is a collection of information from a set group of patients. No particular treatment is required. The registry will consist of a research database on your demographic information. The purpose of this Registry is to collect demographic information on a wide cross section of patients and to collect information that can be used for future research study recruitment.
Who Can Participate
Participants at least 18 years old are needed for a registry study. No particular treatment is required; the registry will consist of a research database of your demographic information, such as name, address, marital status, etc., that can be used for future research study recruitment. If you live in the Cleveland, OH area and are interesting in learning about research opportunities within the Department of Psychiatry at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, you may be eligible. Participants can enroll over the phone or in person. Enrollment will take approximately 30 minutes.
Learn More About This Research Study
For more information, please contact Nicole Woods, the study coordinator at 216-369-4744.