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Do You Have Heavy Menstrual Bleeding?

UH MacDonald Women’s Hospital Research Opportunity

UH MacDonald Women’s Hospital Research Opportunity

Learn More About This Research Study

To see if you qualify and to learn more, please contact the MacDonald Clinical Research Unit referral line at 440-995-3810.

Research on the Impact of a hormonal Intrauterine device (IUD) on heavy menstrual bleeding is currently being conducted at University Hospitals Landerbrook Health Facility. The IUD used in the study is already on the market in the US and is FDA approved for women to use for contraception for up to 5 years but not for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding.

If you are a healthy woman between the ages of 18 and 50 that experiences heavy bleeding when not on hormonal birth control, you may qualify for this study.

If you are eligible and participate in this research study, compensation is provided for your time and travel.