Showing of 5 results

Bay Village Man Walking Miles Again after Vascular Surgery
When a non-healing wound and persistent shortness of breath kept Mark Carlson from the activities he loved, he turned to the experts at University Hospitals Heart & Vascular Institute for help.

Novel Council at UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Diverts Patients from Amputation
Maurice Edwards of Cleveland knew he might lose his leg to amputation, but thanks to a novel council at University Hospitals (UH) Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, he was spared that fate.

Healing Before the Holidays with 100 Percent Oxygen
Ken endured two courses of IV antibiotics that failed to heal the diabetic ulcer on his big toe. Then he tried hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Many Angles to Healing Chronic Wounds
Bruce Hammerman no longer misses any appointments at the Wound Center, since their specialists spared him from a lower leg amputation. Earlier this year, an infected foot ulcer led to a grave condition.

Leg Saved with Advanced Procedure
With one leg previously amputated, Jean came to UH with the same condition – critical limb ischemia (CLI) – in her other leg. Through advanced techniques, her leg was saved.