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Sports Medicine Patient Stories

Showing    of 27 results

John Zack and his medals

Chain of Survival

Avid runner, John Zack, had reached mile 23 in the Cleveland Marathon when the chest pain started. Learn how well-coordinated medical care saved his life.

Debra with her husband and daughter, Lauren, who is a physical therapist at UH

Alternative to Rotator Cuff Surgery Leads to Faster Healing

Concerned about a lengthy recovery after rotator cuff surgery, Debra turned to University Hospitals and found a better, minimally invasive option for treatment.

Sports Medicine patient Megan poses outside

Two Hip Surgeries and Megan Is Still Running

High school athlete Megan was plagued by hip problems but the expert orthopedic surgeons at University Hospitals got her up and running again.

Grace Sheets pauses on the slopes

Young Skier Is Stronger Than Ever After Knee Surgery

Grace was 12 years old when she suffered a complete tear of her right anterior cruciate ligament – the band of tissue that connects the thighbone to the shinbone at the knee. After surgery to reconstruct her ACL, this skier is stronger than ever.

Diego Castillo uses wearable technology in a therapy session

Oxygenation Study Helps Ballet Dancer Recover from ACL Surgery

When a Cleveland Ballet dancer tore his ACL, the UH sports medicine team used their expertise and wearable technology to get him ready to perform again.

Ellie Taliak on the soccer field

Teenage Siblings Receive Exceptional Physical Therapy Treatment

A testimonial from the family of two teenage siblings who received “exceptional physical therapy” care from University Hospitals Rehabilitation Services and Sports Medicine.

Kallen Zarembski on the ice

UH Athletic Trainer Identifies Rare Condition in Teen Hockey Player

When 17-year-old Kallen Zarembski noticed his swollen arm, he assumed it was a forgotten hockey injury, but behind the swelling was a rare and life-threatening condition called Paget Schroetter Syndrome.

Amy and her three boys

Torn ACL Threatens to Take Busy Mom Out of the Game

When Amy – runner, soccer coach and mom to three boys – experienced a complete tear of her left ACL, the orthopedic experts at UH worked around her busy schedule to get her up and running again.

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