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Home Health and Hospice Care

Many types of medical and social home healthcare services are available: nursing care, physical therapy, pharmacy services, transportation, and home-delivered meals.

Hospice care usually involves relieving symptoms and providing psychological and social support for the person and their family. The goal of hospice care is to provide the terminally ill patient peace, comfort, and dignity.

Home healthcare services may be paid for directly by the patient, through insurance coverage, or through other public or private sources. Most hospice care programs are provided to the patient regardless of the patient's ability to pay. Read on to learn more.

As medical progress prolongs our lives, the end can linger. So, more and more people are turning to hospice care.

Finding appropriate home health and hospice care providers needs some research. Here's what you need to consider when evaluating a provider.

If you are unhappy with the home health or hospice care you are receiving, you should notify the provider's administrator, your state health department, and the Better Business Bureau.

Grief moves in and out of stages from disbelief and denial, to anger and guilt, to finding a source of comfort, to eventually adjusting to the loss.