Helicobacter Pylori Infection (H. Pylori)
H. pylori is a very common type of bacteria that often enters the human digestive system during childhood and is found in the stomachs of about 60 percent of adults. For most people, the bacteria does not cause any symptoms or problems but for some, it can lead to esophagus or stomach ulcers or gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining).

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Find a DoctorH. pylori bacteria are spiral shaped, allowing them to penetrate the stomach lining. Once embedded, they produce substances that neutralize stomach acids, creating an environment where they are more likely to survive but leaves stomach cells more vulnerable to damage. In addition, the embedded bacteria are protected by the mucus layers in the stomach wall, making them likely to be detected and destroyed by the body's immune system.
Causes and Symptoms of H. Pylori Infections
It is not known exactly how H. pylori infections spread or why some people have symptoms and others do not. It is believed, however, that the bacteria can be transferred through oral contact (kissing); from feces to mouth contact (improper hand-washing after using the bathroom); and through contaminated food and water. Many experts believe that frequent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs like ibuprofen) many also increase the chance of stomach ulcers developing.
Although most people with the bacteria present will not experience any symptoms, those with an active infection that has led to the development of stomach ulcers or gastritis may experience:
- Frequent burping
- Heartburn, bloating and nausea
- Lack of appetite and weight loss
- Abdominal ache or pain that is relieved by eating or by taking antacid medications
- Fever
- Difficulty swallowing
- Anemia
- Blood in the stool or vomit
- Persistent, severe abdominal pain
However, many of these symptoms can be caused by other medical conditions so it is essential to schedule an appointment with a UH digestive health specialist to determine the cause so that the correct course of treatment can begin. Untreated, ulcers and stomach inflammation caused by H.pylori infection can lead to life-threatening conditions including internal bleeding, perforation of the stomach wall and peritonitis - an infection in the abdominal cavity. Infected individuals may also have a slightly increased risk of certain types of stomach cancer.
UH Experts Diagnose and Treat H. Pylori Infections
When you see a UH digestive health specialist with symptoms of H. Pylori infection, you will receive a thorough and complete assessment to ensure an accurate diagnosis. In addition to taking a complete medical and family history, he or she will conduct a physical exam to examine your abdomen for signs of bloating or pain and listen for any unusual stomach and bowel sounds.
Additional diagnostic tests may include:
- Blood tests to look for H. Pylori antibodies
- Stool test to check for the bacteria in your feces
- Breath test. For this test, you will first swallow a special liquid. If H. pylori bacteria is present, there will be increased carbon dioxide in the air you exhale, which can be detected by a special machine.
- Endoscopy. Your doctor will insert a long tube down your throat with a camera attached into your stomach and upper intestine. During this test, abnormalities can be found and, when necessary, tissue samples taken for further examination in the laboratory.
If H. pylori infection is confirmed, it can be treated with antibiotics and acid-suppressing drugs. For some patients, a second course of treatment may be needed to completely cure the infection.
Your health is important. Get expert care.
To schedule an in-person or virtual consultation with a UH digestive health specialist, call 1-866-UH4-CARE.