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Education & Training

Goals & Objectives

During this fellowship, fellows work closely with the faculty in the clinics and operating room. As colleagues, they will provide the most up-to-date care that reflects the latest clinical care guidelines.

In the clinics, expertise is developed in the diagnosis and management of retinal vascular diseases, macular degeneration, retinal inflammatory diseases, and vitreoretinal diseases. The fellows will participate actively in performing such procedures as laser photocoagulation, cryopexy, photodynamic therapy, and pharmacologic therapy.

In the operating room, extensive experience is gained in scleral buckling (encircling bands and segmental elements), small gauge vitrectomy (23, 25, and 27 gauge systems), complex retinal detachment repair, diabetic tractional detachment repair, advanced membrane dissection techniques, macular hole repair, macular pucker surgery, as well as in diagnostic vitrectomies. Additional training will be provided in secondary IOL placement techniques: scleral sutured lenses, suturelss scleral fixated lenses, iris-sutured lenses, and ACIOL placement.

Surgical experience with vitreous substitutes including silicone oil and perfluron (long and short term use) will be a goal of training, along with techniques to approach submacular disease. Use of novel techniques for macular hole closure including internal limiting membrane transplantation and “flap” techniques, and amniotic membrane graft placement, will be performed as part of fellowship training. There is an active trauma service and the retinal fellow will be active in learning and performing surgical approaches to complex cases.

A transition to hypersonic vitrectomy as an option for PVR cases is anticipated in the near future.

Didactics and Conferences

The active teaching program includes regular lectures, Grand Rounds, research conferences, journal clubs, and departmental and regional fluorescein conferences. Presentation of original research at national conferences will be encouraged and supported. In addition, the fellows participate in teaching conferences and relevant clinical and/or research projects for publication in peer-reviewed journals.