Preparing our Students for Residency
UH Cleveland Medical Center/Case Western Reserve University sleep rotations are intended to prepare students for residency by encouraging independent and critical thinking skills.
We ask that non-CWRU visiting students DO NOT contact departments directly. If you have any questions, please fill out the Undergraduate Medical Office's online contact form.
Electives Offered
- PULM 4004A: Sleep Medicine (University Hospitals)
- Comprehend the scope of patient encounters within the Sleep Medicine program and the biologic substrates for sleep disorders.
- Exhibit skills needed to collect a patient history in the context of sleep and circadian biology and its associated disorders (insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and restless legs syndrome).
- List features of a study (polysomnograph, MSLT, or actigraphy) by a sleep medicine specialist.
The specific learning objectives are outlined in the curriculum and are summarized by:
- Developing proficiency in the assessment of a wide variety of sleep medicine illnesses. Students will acquire skills in history taking and knowledge to appropriately guide a referral for providing specialized care for such patients.
- Understanding the basic physiology, pharmacology, and critical evaluation of the medical literature, which will provide a foundation for learning and application to patient care.
- Gaining experience in how a sleep medicine program provides consultative management for disorders of sleep and circadian rhythm as they arise from inpatient and outpatient patient care.
- Recognize the values in working with allied healthcare professionals (e.g. nurse practitioners, respiratory therapists, PSG technologists, etc.) to accomplish overall goals in providing patient care.
- Developing skills to interact with patients and their families, inform, advise, and counsel them concerning important medical or ethical decision in sleep (drowsy driving, career choices, insurability issues).
- Exposure to procedures, vital to this subspecialty, including but not limited to polysomnography, multiple sleep latency testing, maintenance of wakefulness testing and actigraphy.
- List administrative and management principles in sleep medicine as a specialty.
- Pediatric Sleep Rotations
For pediatric residents interested in sleep rotations, please contact the pediatric sleep office at: 216-844-3267. Dr. Sally Ibrahim is the pediatric sleep rotation director. Pediatric specific goals and objective as well as rotation details will be shared with the rotator before the elective begins.