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Heart Disease

Detailed information and illustrations about the 2 coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle.

A person with coronary heart disease has fatty deposits that have built up in the coronary arteries. These deposits narrow the arteries and can decrease or block the flow of blood to the heart.

Atherosclerosis can be devastating, causing strokes, heart attacks, and death. The good news is that you can take steps to protect yourself from this disease.

Surveys show fewer than one in 10 women perceive heart disease as their greatest health threat. But it's the nation's number one killer, and women are its prime target.

Angina pectoris--or simply angina--is chest pain or discomfort that keeps coming back. It happens when some part of your heart does not get enough blood and oxygen. Read on for details.

Millions of people diagnosed with heart disease enjoy active, satisfying lives. Instead of looking at their diagnoses as sentences to be invalids, they have used them as catalysts to make positive changes in their lives.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, increases the risk for coronary heart disease (heart attack) and stroke (brain attack). Read on for details about this condition.

Heart disease is a killer, but you can do plenty to reduce your risk and prolong your life. Research shows that making lifestyle changes can decrease your risk of heart disease and help you control it if you already have it.

Physical inactivity is just as big a risk factor for heart disease as high blood pressure and smoking are. So, be the exception rather than the rule. Read on for some great ways to exercise for a healthier heart.

Heart attacks and their aftermath tend to be more deadly in women. Yet for many women, the warning signs of a heart attack are very subtle and easy to ignore. Read on to learn about the signs you need to pay attention to.

A heart attack happens when the blood supply is cut off from the heart muscle, usually because of a blood clot. Without blood and oxygen, the muscle cells are damaged and die.