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What Do You Know About Breast Cancer?

Find out how much you know about breast cancer by taking this quiz.

1. Finding breast cancer early is the key to successful treatment.
2. Older women are more likely to develop breast cancer.
3. Most breast lumps are cancer.
4. It's OK to use deodorant on the day you have a mammogram.
5. Women who drink alcohol increase their risk for breast cancer.
6. Women who have their first child before age 30 and breastfeed are less likely to develop breast cancer.
7. Smoking may increase your risk for breast cancer.
8. Breast cancer can be treated by surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and chemotherapy.
9. Starting at age 30, women should have a mammogram every 1 or 2 years.
10. A woman's chances of developing breast cancer are higher if her mother, a sister, or daughter have had it.
11. It's safe for women to use hormone therapy for a prolonged time during menopause.
12. Regular exercise can reduce your risk for breast cancer.
13. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women in the U.S.