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Link Between Breast Cancer and Heart Disease

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Cancer therapy has improved dramatically over the past several decades with a notable increase in survival rates. So how can cardiologists aid in a cancer cure?

Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation carry some cardiac risk, either immediately or later on. When cardiac complications occur during cancer treatment, chances of cure are significantly decreased because, without a healthy heart, treatment options become limited, need to be interrupted or stopped. Unfortunately, some cardiac complications may occur months to years after cancer cure. In fact, at 10 years after cure, breast cancer survivors are more likely to die of heart disease than cancer recurrence.

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, join Dr. Christine Zirafi from University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute to learn more about the connection between breast cancer and heart disease, including a novel program devoted to screening, monitoring and treating any heart risk or condition – before, during or even years after cancer therapy.

An audience question and answer segment is included.

The event is free but registration is required.

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  • Cost: No Cost
  • Seats Available: 2


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