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Spinning Babies

Tuesday, December 12, 2023 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Spinning Babies® Parent Class Spinning Babies® is based on the Three Principles of Balance, Gravity and MovementSM. The class highlights your baby’s active role in pregnancy and birth and is best taken in the second or early third trimester. Learn basic pelvic anatomy and how it affects your baby’s position and birth; Daily Essentials® activities and how to do them most effectively; the Three Balances® for pregnancy and labor; how to Rest SmartSM and Move SmartSM to create the perfect balance in your body for your baby; how you can influence your baby’s rotation and descent through your pelvis; and techniques for labor progress. One class fee includes 2 participants except Family & Friends CPR, Heartsaver First Aid, and Grandparenting ( charge per person). Reduced fee classes – please call 216-844-4000 for eligibility questions and to register for classes. 

  • Cost: $35.00
  • Seats Available: 6


UH Landerbrook Health Center
5850 Landerbrook Dr
Mayfield Hts, OH