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The Veale Initiative for Health Care Innovation

Accelerating Transformational Change Where It’s Needed Most

The Veale Initiative for Health Care Innovation led by University Hospitals aims to identify, clarify and prioritize the most pressing problems facing the healthcare industry, then test and scale state-of-the-art solutions. Built on a unique collaboration among UH Ventures, the Office of Strategy & Innovation, the Office of Clinical Transformation, and the Department of Operational Effectiveness, this initiative represents a first-of-its-kind model for making healthcare systems safer and more cost effective.

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Healthcare Harms Too Often, Costs Too Much and Improves Too Slowly

We can change that by:

Identifying healthcare’s biggest problems

Piloting the best technologies

Promoting a culture of transformational leadership

Our Mission & Goals

The Veale Initiative for Health Care Innovation is taking on healthcare's biggest problems using cutting edge technology and a new approach to transformational leadership. Thanks to a $10 million gift from the Veale Foundation donated in 2023, the initiative will:

Build new capacity to identify and prioritize problems

Solve urgent problems with cutting edge technologies

Research experimental solutions with clinical rigor

Unite key leaders and collaborators across the UH system

Expand and embed our transformational leadership model

Areas of Innovation

Through the Veale Initiative for Health Care Innovation, UH seeks to create greater value for patients, payors and caregivers by reducing costs, enhancing quality, improving usability of products and services, and eliminating waste in healthcare.

The initiative focuses on addressing challenges and piloting groundbreaking innovations in such areas as:

  • Nurse labor productivity
  • Healthcare access
  • Chronic disease management
  • Hospital cost reduction
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Stay up to date on the latest news about the Veale Initiative for Health Care Innovation.

The ‘goldilocks’ strategy: University Hospitals eyes fixes for healthcare’s biggest issues
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University Hospitals receives $10 million gift from Veale Foundation
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$10 million Veale Foundation gift to University Hospitals aims to transform healthcare, like reducing costs and allowing people to heal at home
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University Hospitals in Cleveland Receives $10 Million From the Veale Foundation to Address Healthcare’s Largest Issues With Technology and Innovation
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University Hospitals receives $10 million gift from The Veale Foundation
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UH Receives $10 Million from The Veale Foundation to Address Healthcare’s Largest Issues with Technology and Innovation
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