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Digestive Health Patient Stories

Showing    of 22 results

Dan Yung on the water on a sunny day

After 45 Years of Unexplained Symptoms, Ohio Man Finds Relief at UH

Experts at University Hospitals collaborate to successfully diagnose and treat 70-year-old Dan Yung’s persistent and mystifying digestive and respiratory symptoms.

Jean displays her pre-bariatric surgery clothing

Patient’s Weight Loss Allows Hip Replacement and a New Life

Over the years Jean tried every diet out there but nothing seemed to work for her. Eventually her hip pain got so bad, she had to take a leave of absence from work. After bariatric surgery, everything changed.

Ailene and Adam wedding photo

Commitment To Weight-Loss Journey Spells Success For Bariatric Surgery Patient

Ailene Zaebst walked down the aisle at her wedding more than 140 pounds lighter from bariatric surgery, completing a weight-loss journey that began 18 months earlier at UH Parma Medical Center.

Elizabeth Brandewie, MD stands aside a picture of UH's giant inflatable colon

Avid Runner Schedules Colonoscopy that Catches Cancer

Even though she was six years shy of the recommended age for her first colonoscopy, with no family history, Elizabeth Brandewie, MD, scheduled this important outpatient test.

Ellen Smith

Local Woman Learns Importance of Screening Colonoscopy After Colon Cancer Diagnosis

“Every year I received a card in the mail, saying I was due for an annual PAP smear and exam, and I had gone to those appointments religiously,” Ellen said.

Courtney Pound pictured after weight loss procedures

Bariatric Surgery Helps Patient Reclaim Health

Before Courtney Pound’s bariatric sleeve surgery, her primary care physician was very concerned about her health, due to a number of medical conditions. Bariatric surgery helped get her health back on track.

Rebecca Rym pictured before and after weight loss procedures

Weight-Loss Surgery Reverses Woman's Declining Mental Health

Rebecca Rym found that struggles with mental illness don’t automatically cancel out weight loss surgery at UH Parma Medical Center’s Bariatric Surgery & Nutrition Center.

Jill Boden stands in front of a fire engine

“It Reinvents You as a Person”

Firefighter and EMT Jill Boden lost 100 pounds after weight loss surgery at University Hospitals and now enjoys a healthier, more active lifestyle.