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We Are Now ONE UH


Massive effort means all UH locations now share a common platform

ONE UH – the massive effort to bring UH Parma, Elyria, St. John, Portage and Samaritan under the UH umbrella – is now complete. UH Portage and Samaritan reached the final milestone of the ONE UH journey on Oct. 5, when caregivers at these locations went live with UH clinical and financial applications. Now, for all UH locations, we have a unified patient care environment on a common platform, one patient portal, integrated medical records and financial systems, and shared processes across the system.

For providers, this means patient health information is centralized in the UHCare electronic medical records, which helps advance provider collaboration and communication across locations. Patient information – from all care settings throughout UH – is accessible directly within both the UHCare Acute and UHCare Ambulatory EMRs. Inpatient providers can see information from office visits and providers in offices can view information from their patients’ hospital stays. The EHR Agent toolbar within the EMRs makes all this information viewable without ever having to leave the EMR.

Patients now have a single patient portal – the MyUHCare Personal Health Record (PHR) – to view their health information online no matter which UH location they visit. More than 275,000 UH patients systemwide now use the PHR to view their lab results, office visit notes, and other health information; request appointments and medication refills; and send a secure message to their provider’s office. To help our practices manage PHR-related tasks, a new MyUHCare PHR Practice Dashboard provides a simplified view of all outstanding tasks and unverified results (consult your office leadership for more details).

Thank you to all of our caregivers throughout the system for reaching this milestone that brought more than 1,200 physicians and 6,900 end users from our newest community hospitals under the UH umbrella. ONE UH has united our people, processes and technology, and most importantly, will support continued delivery of the highest-quality care for our patients. 
