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Find University Hospitals Doctors
Nissreen Elfadawy, MD

Nissreen Elfadawy, MD

(4.9) , 32 Reviews

Office Locations

UH Geauga Health Center One (21 mi.)

13221 Ravenna Rd
Ste 12
Chardon, OH 44024

Biography: Nissreen Elfadawy, MD


  • Acute Kidney Injury
  • Chemotherapy Kidney Complications
  • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
  • Diabetes Complication of the Kidneys
  • Electrolytes Disorders
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Hemodialysis
  • Hemolytic-uremic Syndrome
  • Home Hemodialysis
  • Hypertension
  • Immuno-suppression Medication Management
  • Kidney Stones
  • Kidney Transplant
  • Nephrolithiasis
  • Onco-Nephrology
  • Peritoneal Dialysis
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease (PCKD)
  • Proteinuria
  • Renal Replacement Therapy


  • Vice Chair, Department of Medicine, UH Regional Hospitals Geauga Campus
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, CWRU School of Medicine

Certifications & Memberships

  • Nephrology - American Board of Internal Medicine
  • Internal Medicine - American Board of Internal Medicine


Fellowship | Nephrology
Nephrology - UH Cleveland Medical Center (2017 - 2019)

Residency | Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine - UH Cleveland Medical Center (2015 - 2017)

Fellowship | Transplant Nephrology
Transplant Nephrology - Cleveland Clinic (2013 - 2014)

Research Fellowship | Urology
Urology - Cleveland Clinic (2011 - 2015)

Medical Education
Alexandria University (2002)


Nissreen Elfadawy, MD, MS, FASN, FAST, is a staff nephrologist at University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center in Chardon. She is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and is board-certified in medicine. Her special interests include chronic kidney disease, hypertension, acute kidney injury, glomerulonephritis, electrolyte disorders, diabetic nephropathy, onco-nephrology and kidney transplantation.

Dr. Elfadawy earned her medical degree from Alexandria University in Egypt, where she also completed an internship and a residency in Internal Medicine. She obtained her Master’s degrees in Internal Medicine from Alexandria University before joining the Cleveland Clinic. She completed a research fellowship and a clinical kidney transplant fellowship at Cleveland Clinic. She also finished an internal medicine residency and a general nephrology fellowship at University Hospitals.

Dr. Elfadawy received many awards during her training from University Hospitals, American Society of Nephrology and American Society of Transplantation (AST). She also served as a Chair of the Trainee and Young Faculty community of practice at the AST.

Dr. Elfadawy has written several peer-reviewed articles, abstracts and book chapters focusing on kidney disease and complications after kidney transplant. Dr. Elfadawy has also served as a reviewer for many prominent medical journals focusing on general nephrology and transplant nephrology. She is an active fellow of the American Society of Nephrology and the American Society of Transplantation.

Patient Experience Reviews

4.9 out of 5
- based on 147 Ratings

All was good


Love this doctor


She was very nice to me and made me feel she cared




Very good


I highly recommend Dr. Elfadawy for any kidney problems.


Dr. Elfadwy is an excellent doctor and is very helpful.


She was very through and coiurteous.She was helpful in explaining options for me and the next course of treatment.




This was my first visit to this doctor. I appreciated her professionalism and thoroughness and will definitely return for ongoing monitoring.


The Dr needs a new intern. His lack of interest was evident with how often he yawned during the appointment.


This entire experience was both professional and personal. Dr. E is the best. She is such an asset. I am blessed to have her on my team.


I felt comfortable with the doctor and a full explanation was given me about my condition. Gave me a feeling of confidence that she will give me the best medical treatment and advice available. She was kind and not overbearing.


Very kind, caring provider




Very good




Very happy with the visit


Good experience. Very knowledgeable and explain everything in terms that I could understand.


Doctor is a very fine Doctor, helps me all she can and explains the details to me.


Dr. Is always up to date on my condition and makes recommendations to continue the steps needed to keep me at at least 3rd degree and possibly get better.


Receptionist/assistant/nurse had many duties and from my point of view she was efficient, knowledgeable, and very nice. The provider was extremely thorough, friendly, examined me, explained my risks, listened to my concerns. Excellent!


Very good


Come to see her for kidney good experience seeing her secod time


Excellent visit! Thanks!


Dr Elfadawy was very informed about my condition and very enjoyable to speak with.


The provider was so knowledgabe regarding my condition, she was very concerned with getting me all help that was possible.


Very good experience.




Great care. ***


Very good experience first visit will see her in three months


She was professional and business-like as well as warm and friendly.

Industry Relationships

University Hospitals is committed to transparency in our interactions with industry partners, such as pharmaceutical, biotech, or medical device companies. At UH, we disclose practitioner and their family members’ ownership and intellectual property rights that are or in the process of being commercialized. In addition, we disclose payments to employed practitioners of $5,000 or more from companies with which the practitioners interact as part of their professional activities. These practitioner-industry relationships assist in developing new drugs, devices and therapies and in providing medical education aimed at improving quality of care and enhancing clinical outcomes. At the same time, UH understands that these relationships may create a conflict of interest. In providing this information, UH desires to assist patients in talking with their practitioners about industry relationships and how those relationships may impact their medical care.

UH practitioners seek advance approval for certain new industry relationships. In addition, practitioners report their industry relationships and activities, as well as those of their immediate family members, to the UH Office of Outside Interests annually. We review these reports and implement management plans, as appropriate, to address conflicts of interest that may arise in connection with medical research, clinical care and purchasing decisions.

View UH’s policy (PDF) on practitioner-industry relationships.

As of December 31, 2016, Nissreen Elfadawy did not disclose any Outside Relationships with Industry.