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Find University Hospitals Doctors
Laurie Bruening, CNP

Laurie Bruening, CNP

(4.9) , 13 Reviews
  • Languages Spoken: English

Biography: Laurie Bruening, CNP

Certifications & Memberships

  • NP - Family - American Academy of Nurse Practitioners


Professional Education | NP - Family
NP - Family - Ursuline College (2017 - 2019)

Capital University (1996)

Patient Experience Reviews

4.9 out of 5
- based on 62 Ratings

Very happy with the care provided at the doctor


Amazing!!!! This last visit she listened carefully to every concern that I have about my body and knew right off why I'm having these ailments and how we're going to fix them!!! She's highly recommended in this area and I have recommended her to many of my friends and family! Thank you!!!!


Laurie Bruening CNP was quic to recognize that I was having atrial fibrillation and sent me immediately to the UH Geauga Emergency Room. She phone ahead so I had very prompt attention.


Laurie provides superior care and has worked closely with me to manage my blood pressure She is thorough, knowledgeable and shows respect always


Laurie Bruening and her staff treated me with courtesy, kindness and respect. She discussed my health concerns, reviewed my history and offered some treatment plans, as well as a followup visit.


It was a pleasant experience all around. ***


This is the very first time that a friend of mine recommended a physician to me that I absolutely love. If you are looking for a great Dr. Laurie is it. She listens she cares and she does everything in her power to help you. Her assistant *** is top notch as well. I finally have found a great team for my health care.




Laurie is a wonderful caregiver!


I'm so glad you brought Laurie Bruening into this office, she Is a great addition to the team. She Is very polite and understanding on whatmy opinion is in regard to my health.


Like visiting with Laura B. She cares and also provides good conversation along with her medical expertise!!




Scheduled follow up in the app and received a reminder to schedule the appointment

Industry Relationships

University Hospitals is committed to transparency in our interactions with industry partners, such as pharmaceutical, biotech, or medical device companies. At UH, we disclose practitioner and their family members’ ownership and intellectual property rights that are or in the process of being commercialized. In addition, we disclose payments to employed practitioners of $5,000 or more from companies with which the practitioners interact as part of their professional activities. These practitioner-industry relationships assist in developing new drugs, devices and therapies and in providing medical education aimed at improving quality of care and enhancing clinical outcomes. At the same time, UH understands that these relationships may create a conflict of interest. In providing this information, UH desires to assist patients in talking with their practitioners about industry relationships and how those relationships may impact their medical care.

UH practitioners seek advance approval for certain new industry relationships. In addition, practitioners report their industry relationships and activities, as well as those of their immediate family members, to the UH Office of Outside Interests annually. We review these reports and implement management plans, as appropriate, to address conflicts of interest that may arise in connection with medical research, clinical care and purchasing decisions.

View UH’s policy (PDF) on practitioner-industry relationships.

As of December 31, 2016, Laurie Bruening did not disclose any Outside Relationships with Industry.