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Heart Health

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A woman holds a tape measure around her waist, checking diet results in a full-length mirror

10 Numbers That Matter for Your Health

When it comes to your health, there’s no shortage of health information. Here are 10 numbers to prioritize for your well-being and longevity.

A man doing a plank exercise at the gym

Can Intense Exercise Put Your Heart at Risk?

Getting regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your heart. But for some, extreme exercise can pose a risk to heart health.

An active senior practices Tai Chi in a park

The Benefits of Tai Chi for Heart Health

A recent study found that tai chi is equally or more effective than aerobic exercise for lowering blood pressure.

Korey Loughry smiles outdoors

“Arrested” Four Times

A fifty-one-year-old patient writes a book to thank the interventional cardiologist and team who saved his life at UH Portage Medical Center.

Stuart Smith on Mount Greylock, the highest point in Massachusetts

HCM Patient Returns to Hiking the Appalachian Trail

Just a few months after open-heart surgery, Stuart O. Smith, Jr., has his stamina and strength back – and is living his life to the fullest, doing the activities he loves.


Are Energy Drinks More Harmful Than Coffee?

Caffeinated energy drinks have become increasingly popular, particularly among young adults and adolescents. But are they a healthier choice over coffee?

A woman yawning in bed

The Connection Between AFib and Sleep Apnea

The prevalence of both disorders is on the rise, likely due to increases in obesity and cardiovascular disease.

How Heart Disease Affects the Kidneys

The heart and kidneys share a special, life-sustaining connection, so that what’s good or bad for one is generally good or bad for the other.

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