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Pulmonary Infection

Expert Care for Lung Infections

There’s a difference between respiratory symptoms that last a week or two and symptoms that go for three weeks or longer. If rest and a round of antibiotics resolve your infection, there’s no need to seek additional care. But if you struggle with the following issues, you may have a chronic lung infection:

  • A persistent cough that lasts weeks or months
  • Difficulty breathing without an explanation
  • Fevers that last more than a week
  • An increased production of phlegm and mucus
  • Chronic chest tightness
  • A cough that produces blood
  • Symptoms that return each time you end a round of antibiotics

University Hospitals’ team of pulmonary specialists diagnose and treat chronic lung infections, including the most complex. We use advanced diagnostics and the latest lung infection treatments to restore your lungs to their maximum level of function.

Chronic Lung Infections We Treat

Our pulmonologists specialize in diagnosing and treating a multitude of lung infections from the common to the rare. These conditions, for example, require advanced care from experienced providers like those at University Hospitals:

Blastomycosis: This infection is caused by a fungus found on moist soil and decomposing leaves and wood. Most people who breathe in the spores don’t get sick. Others present with flu-like symptoms and boils on the skin. Blastomycosis treatment is typically anti-fungal medications.

Bronchiectasis: Bronchiectasis occurs when the bronchi in the lungs thicken and scar due to infection and inflammation. Lung health gradually weakens as the bronchi become more susceptible to other respiratory infections. Lung specialists often prescribe antibiotics and medications that thin and clear mucous buildup for bronchiectasis treatment.

Histoplasmosis: A fungus from bird and bat droppings found in soil causes pulmonary histoplasmosis. Some people who get it don’t show any symptoms. Others get flu-like symptoms with a dry cough. Mild cases do not require treatment, but pulmonary specialists prescribe anti-fungal medications for severe infections.

Mycobacterium (non-tuberculosis): The bacteria that cause this infection are found throughout nature in soil and water. Most people who get it don’t show any symptoms. Those who do have symptoms tend to have a chronic cough with blood. Treatment for severe cases involves a combination of drugs for a long period of time.

Tuberculosis (TB): Tuberculosis is a highly contagious lung infection. Some people show tuberculosis symptoms a few weeks after becoming infected while others don’t develop symptoms for years. If you suspect you’ve been exposed to TB, talk to one of our pulmonary specialists. They can accurately diagnose and discuss several tuberculosis treatment regimens including powerful anti-TB drugs.