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Exceptional Orthopaedic Expertise for Treating FAI

From pediatric hip conditions to arthritis and joint problems in adults, our board-certified sports medicine physicians at University Hospitals care for the full spectrum of orthopedic conditions. Our highly-qualified team specializes in a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis, management and treatment of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) and other hip joint conditions.

Our sports medicine doctors are skilled across all levels of athletic performance – adolescent, high school, collegiate and professional athletes. With the experience and expertise for the most complex orthopedic issue, our orthopedic doctors were selected by the Cleveland Browns as their team physicians.

Working in collaboration with our specially trained sports physical therapists, occupational therapists and athletic trainers, University Hospitals offers all-inclusive care for orthopedic and sports medicine conditions.

For More Information about Services at UH Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute

If you have questions about the specialized sports medicine care at University Hospitals contact one of our sports medicine doctors at 216-983-7529 or schedule your appointment online today.

Full Spectrum of Imaging Diagnostics for Hip Conditions

Our sports medicine team at University Hospitals uses the full spectrum of imaging tests to diagnose and monitor patients with FAI and any other hip or other joint problems, including:

  • Computerized tomography (CT) scans, often with 3-dimensional image calculation: To see the exact shape of your hip, our team can determine the extent of any injury.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans: Injecting dye into the joint during an MRI scan can help determine if there is damage to the labrum or cartilage.
  • X-rays: To provide images of your bones, an x-ray will also show whether your hip has misshapen bones of FAI and if any signs of arthritis are present.

We may also perform a hip impingement test by bringing your knee up to the chest and then rotate it inward toward your opposite shoulder. If this motion results in pain, it may be due to hip impingement.

Comprehensive FAI Treatment for Individualized Care

Regardless of the hip problem, our team can make the right diagnosis and provide the right treatment for improved hip function. After diagnosing FAI, our highly-qualified team of orthopedists, sports medicine doctors and physical therapists will determine the right FAI treatment program, based on your unique needs, which may include:

  • Activity modification: Assessment of functional or activity issues, including avoiding actions that may cause additional symptoms.
  • Medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications can reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Physical therapy: For strengthening and range of motion exercises to build muscle and ease stress on the cartilage and labrum.
  • Local anesthetic: A cortisone or platelet-rich plasma injection can be offered to provide temporary hip pain relief.

Arthroscopic Surgery Can Improve Femoroacetabular Impingement

If conservative methods of FAI treatment do not resolve your condition, arthroscopy, a surgical procedure, may be necessary to improve FAI. Hip arthroscopy is one of the fastest growing fields in orthopedic surgery. This specialized technique allows our surgeons to see inside your joint using a fiber-optic video camera – all with a minimally invasive approach. Over the past several years, arthroscopic methods of treating FAI have been developed with improved clinical outcomes and a shorter recovery time. We have an extremely successful high-volume hip arthroscopy practice at University Hospitals, performing more than 300 hip arthroscopies a year.

Hip injuries such as femoroacetabular impingement are becoming increasingly recognized in sports such as hockey, dance, soccer, football and baseball. Our skilled providers offer all types of hip arthroscopic surgeries for FAI, labral tears and labral reconstruction. For even the most complex diagnosis, our improved surgical methods will allow you to get back to your regular routine as quickly as possible.

Understanding the Causes of Hip Impingement

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) occurs when the hip bones form abnormally during childhood. Through advanced imaging studies, we know even slight changes in the shape of the femoral head, the highest part of the femur, may cause FAI. Other anatomical changes in the angle of the hip may also contribute to hip impingement. Because athletes and active individuals may work the hip joint more dynamically, they can experience pain before those who are less active. However, even extreme exercise does not cause FAI.

When hip impingement symptoms start to develop, it usually means there is damage to the cartilage or labrum and FAI is likely to progress. The sooner you seek care by a hip specialist, the sooner treatment can begin to correct any issues that are causing hip pain or movement issues.