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Foot & Ankle Services

Expert Diagnosis & Treatment for All Types of Foot Pain

Foot pain can range from a mild annoyance to a major problem that can be debilitating. When your feet hurt, it can limit your mobility, affect your ability to work, and make it difficult or impossible to carry out the tasks of daily living.

Schedule an Appointment

The orthopedic specialists at University Hospitals have the advanced skills and experience to diagnose and treat your foot pain, regardless of the cause. To schedule an appointment, call 216-220-9088 or schedule online.

What Causes Foot Pain?

The human foot is a complex structure made of 26 bones and numerous joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and cartilage, all of which work together to help us walk, run and stand upright. If one or more of these foot components is compromised due to injury, overuse, disease or genetic defect, it can result in pain.

Sometimes, the cause of foot pain is as simple as wearing poorly fitted shoes. Footwear that is too tight, too narrow or has a very high heel can cause a wide range of problems in both the short and long term. However, if changing your shoes doesn’t relieve the pain, you may have a medical condition that should be diagnosed and treated. Almost all foot and ankle conditions cause some degree of pain. Some of the most common include:

Diagnosis & Treatment of Foot Pain

To find the most effective treatment for your foot pain, the exact cause must be identified. The orthopedic specialists at University Hospitals will take a complete medical and lifestyle history, perform a physical exam, and order imaging tests as needed to diagnose your condition and get you back on your feet.

Seek immediate medical attention if you:

  • Have severe pain or swelling
  • Are unable to walk or put weight on the foot
  • Have an obvious injury or open wound
  • Have signs of infection such as redness, warmth or tenderness or a fever

Make an Appointment

Our orthopedic experts offer in-person and virtual visits. Call 216-220-9088 or schedule your visit online today.