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Inpatient Psychiatry Referrals

How to Make a Referral for Inpatient Psychiatry Admission from an Inpatient Medical Unit

Referring physicians can follow the instructions outlined below to refer a patient for psychiatric admission:

  1. If at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, contact the Psychiatry Consultation-Liaison (CL) service via pager at 30164 to request a consult. If at another UH system hospital, contact the covering psychiatrist to request a consult (call operator if needed).
  2. Psych CL team should confirm that the patient requires inpatient psychiatry admission.
  3. Verify that the patient is medically cleared and document that the patient is “medically cleared.” This means that the patient does not need to be in a medical hospital for acute medical/surgical reasons.
  4. If the patient is eligible to be transferred to the medical/psychiatric unit, the Consult Liaison team will initiate the transfer with the medical team (UH Cleveland Medical Center only).
  5. Contact the Emergency Psychiatry Access Team (EPAT) via pager at 36311 or call 216-983-4899 to make a referral. Provide patient’s name, medical record number and a brief description of his or her psychiatric symptoms.
  6. Ensure that there is a legal status for the patient – either a voluntary form signed by the patient or an application for emergency admission (located in UH Care) is properly filled out and signed by a physician.
  7. EPAT will remain in contact with the primary team regarding placement. Once EPAT confirms inpatient psychiatric bed availability at a specific location, unit personnel should call the accepting hospital and arrange for transportation.
  8. Prior to discharge, the patient must have a discharge order entered in UH Care.

How to make a Referral for Inpatient Psychiatric Admission from a Provider Office

  1. Transfer the Patient to the nearest UH ED via ambulance. Do not allow the patient to transfer via personal vehicle.
  2. Notify the receiving ED of the patient's arrival.
  3. Notify EPAT (216-983-4899) for assistance in facilitating the admission.