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Respiratory Disorders

Detailed information on acute respiratory disorders in children

Apnea is a term that means breathing has stopped for more than 20 seconds. It can happen in full-term babies, but it is more common in premature babies. The more premature the baby, the greater the chances that apnea will occur.

A look at the 4 asthma severity levels.

From bed coverings to air purifiers, from pets to secondhand smoke, here are ideas to keep your child's asthma triggers under control.

Bronchiolitis is an infection of the lungs. It's when your child has swelling in the smaller airways (bronchioles) of the lung. This swelling blocks air in the smaller airways.

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the large breathing tubes (bronchi) in the lungs. Short-term (acute) bronchitis means that the symptoms often develop quickly and don't last long.

A detailed look at how cystic fibrosis is diagnosed.

Children with cystic fibrosis often have poor weight gain. This can happen even when they get enough calories. Read on for details on how to make sure your child gets enough nutrients--and what to do if your child isn't gaining weight.

Detailed information on the genetics involved in cystic fibrosis.

In the digestive system, cystic fibrosis (CF) mainly affects the pancreas. A child with CF has trouble absorbing fats, as well as some proteins and vitamins.

Detailed information on cystic fibrosis and its effect on the reproductive system.

Detailed information on cystic fibrosis and its effect on the respiratory system.

A detailed look at cystic fibrosis symptoms.

A look at treatment options for cystic fibrosis.

Detailed information on chronic respiratory disorders in children

Croup is a common infection in children. It causes swelling in the upper part of the airway in the neck. It causes a barking cough, with or without fever. And it may cause problems breathing.

Detailed information on cystic fibrosis, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and genetics

The epiglottis is a flap of cartilage at the base of the tongue at the very back of the throat. When the epiglottis becomes swollen and inflamed, it is called epiglottitis.

Detailed information on respiratory disorders in children

Detailed information on lower respiratory disorders in children

A detailed anatomical description of the respiratory system, including simple definitions and labeled, full-color illustrations.

A detailed look at lung transplantation in children, including why it is advised, information about the surgery, and the long-term outlook for a child after a lung transplant.

Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs. It can be mild or serious. Pneumonia is generally more common in children younger than 5 years old.

Allergic rhinitis can happen on a seasonal basis or year-round. There is often a family history of allergic rhinitis, eczema, asthma, or food allergy. Read on to learn details about treating and managing this condition.

Detailed information on the signs of respiratory distress in children

Sinusitis is an infection of the sinuses. These infections usually happen after a cold or with allergies. Here's what you need to know.

Detailed information on the most common types of respiratory disorders, including symptoms, prevention, diagnostic, and treatment information

Tuberculosis (TB) is an ongoing (chronic) infection caused by bacteria. It usually infects the lungs. But the kidneys, spine, and brain may also be affected.

Detailed information on the most common types of upper respiratory infections, including common cold, influenza, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and sinusitis

The common cold is one of the most common illnesses in children. Most children will have at least 6 to 8 colds a year.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an inherited disease of the glands that make mucus and sweat. Here's a quick look at how CF affects the body, and who may be more likely to have this disease.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a viral illness. It is very contagious and can spread quickly. It can cause mild illness, severe illness, or death.

Congenital laryngeal stridor is a noisy or high-pitched sound with breathing. It is from an abnormally formed voice box (larynx). It is present at birth (congenital).

Whooping cough (pertussis) is a contagious illness. It causes intense fits (paroxysms) of coughing. It mainly affects babies and young children.

Asthma is a long-term (chronic) lung disease that causes your child's airways to become sensitive to certain things (triggers).

Learn about asthma flare-ups in your child, including symptoms to recognize.

Helpful instructions on giving your child nebulizer treatments.

Influenza (flu) is a very contagious viral infection that affects the air passages of the lungs. It causes a high fever, body aches, a cough, and other symptoms.

Obstructive sleep apnea is when a child briefly stops breathing while sleeping. It happens because of a blockage in the upper airway. The pause in breathing may occur many times in a night, disrupting the child’s sleep.

These 3 types of tools are used to measure how well your child's asthma is under control.

Stridor is a noisy or high-pitched sound with breathing. It is a sign that the upper airway is partially blocked. It may involve the nose, mouth, sinuses, voice box (larynx), or windpipe (trachea).

Chronic lung disease is the general term for long-term breathing problems in premature babies. It’s also called bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Here's what you need to know about this condition.