UH Rainbow Patients & Visitors
International Center
The Center for International Relations at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center coordinates medical and personal services for patients from any country around the world. UH Cleveland Medical Center offers an array of comprehensive services, advanced technologies, and exceptional hospitals and outpatient facilities.
We offer a full range of concierge services at no additional cost to the patient or organization. Some of the benefits available to each patient include:
- Premedical evaluation by the appropriate medical specialist
- Second opinion
- Scheduling of all patient appointments
- Airport arrival and departure assistance
- Daily appointment transportation
- Lodging assistance
- Interpretation/Translation
- Banking assistance
- Orientation meeting with Patient Service Coordinator
- Prescription delivery
- Medical report coordination
- Ethnic menus for inpatients
- Weekly medical updates to embassies, if appropriate
- Air ambulance transport to University Hospitals
Center for International Relations, ext. 45677 or 216-844-5677 from outside the hospital.
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. weekdays