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Facial Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Procedures

Chin Implants & Augmentation Offer a More Balanced Facial Appearance

Patients who are not happy with the shape or size of their chin may elect to undergo procedures that help to shape the contours of the jawline and/or increase or reduce chin projection. A variety of techniques are available to improve the shape and size of the chin including augmentation and reduction/reshaping.

Make an Appointment

To schedule a consultation with a UH facial plastic surgeon, call 440-446-8600.

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Techniques and Procedures for Chin Surgery (Genioplasty)

The most common surgical technique for chin augmentation is genioplasty (also known as mentoplasty), which uses a solid implant, artificial fillers or the patient’s own fat to change the appearance of the chin. This procedure can result in a more defined jawline and an enhanced profile. In addition, chin implants can lift the neck sag that may have developed due to the lack of definition of the chin.

Another approach that may be used to augment the chin is called sliding genioplasty. During this procedure, the jawbone is surgically advanced to make the chin more prominent.

For patients who feel their chin is too prominent, our surgeons offer chin reduction procedures that are typically performed through an incision in the mouth or lip.

Performing Genioplasty Surgery

Chin augmentation procedures are typically performed under light sedation through a small incision located underneath the chin which tends to heal very well. The results are immediate, although there will be swelling following the procedure that lasts for 7-10 days. The implant is permanent and never has to be replaced, but it can be easily removed in an office setting if the patient ever decides they no longer want it. Most patients do not notice the implant once full healing has occurred, and it is typically a well-tolerated procedure. Patients may resume their normal activities after the swelling has gone down - usually in 7-10 days.

Make an Appointment

Schedule a consultation with a UH facial plastic surgeon.
