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High School Athlete Undergoes Surgery to Repair Labral Tears in Both Hips

Kyle Stergis on the court

The summer before Kyle Stergis’ sophomore year at Garfield Heights High School was typical; most of his free time was spent playing basketball, a sport he's loved since he was very young. But one day during a game of five-on-five with friends, he landed awkwardly and immediately felt pain in his right hip.

An initial trip to Kyle’s primary care physician did not indicate a serious problem – ice to reduce swelling and plenty of rest were prescribed. However, the basketball program at Garfield Heights is competitive and strict, so the dedicated point guard played through his sophomore year and the following summer basketball season with a nagging ache in his right hip. What he didn't realize was, due to the pain he experienced in his right hip, he placed additional pressure on his left hip and ended up damaging both.

That’s when Kyle’s father, Sirrom, took him to see Michael Salata, MD, at University Hospitals Department of Orthopedics. Dr. Salata is an associate orthopedic surgeon for the Cleveland Browns, and he, along with his partners James Voos, MD, and Sean Cupp, MD, treat Cleveland Browns players if injuries occur.

A thorough examination and MRI revealed that Kyle had labral tears in both hips; the cartilage that provides stability to both of his hip joints had torn. Dr. Salata performed bilateral hip scope surgery on Kyle: the left hip first, in February 2013, and then the right hip in July.

“When I met Dr. Salata, he seemed like a real up-front guy,” said Kyle. “He was honest and told me that about 75 percent of people who have this surgery have good results. I trusted him.”

The surgery was a complete success, and was followed by months of rehabilitation. Kyle was cleared to play in November of his junior year. Anxious to get back into the game, he gave it everything he had and beat a senior for a starting spot on the team.

“After the surgery, I felt so much better,” said Kyle. “I was faster and I could jump higher. Dr. Salata is the best; he helped me continue to play the game that I love. I’d recommend him to anyone.”

As a senior, Kyle and his Garfield Heights High School teammates made it all the way to the state final, where they lost a hard-fought battle with Westerville. A member of the graduating class of 2015, Kyle received a basketball scholarship to play at North Dakota College of Science where he will study sports management.

After college, Kyle’s dream is to play basketball overseas, preferably in France or Brazil.

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For an appointment with Dr. Michael Salata, call 216-983-PLAY (7529) or log on to UHSports.org.
