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Managing Diabetes With Resilience and a Positive Attitude

Abby at UH Rainbow at time of her diagnosis (left); Abby celebrating her first Diabirthday one year later
Abby at UH Rainbow at time of her diagnosis (left); Abby celebrating her first “Diabirthday” one year later.>

As told by Amy and Judd Smerglia

“This time last year, we were in shock as we sat in the pediatric intensive care unit while our daughter, Abby, was being treated for diabetic ketoacidosis.

“Diabetes doesn’t run in our family. Pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Jamie Wood stopped in Abby’s pediatric intensive care room at just the right time to offer much-needed reassurance. Despite this surprising and scary diagnosis, our daughter would be okay.

“Flash forward 12 months and today, Abby, 11, is managing type 1 diabetes like a rock star. We are so proud of her resilience and positive attitude. She wears a continuous glucose monitor and insulin pump and often changes the site and pump on her own. Staying at home more due to COVID-19 gave us all more confidence as we navigate the ins and outs of this lifelong disease.

“Abby loves to play volleyball, basketball and softball. She plans to open her own art studio one day. We are grateful to have UH Rainbow’s amazing team of doctors and nurses as partners in her care. We knew when Abby received the diagnosis that our lives wouldn’t be the same. What we didn’t know was how strong our daughter is, and watching her handle diabetes we are certain she can handle anything life throws her way.”

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The endocrinology specialists at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s are passionate about effectively treating children with type 1 diabetes. Learn more about UH Rainbow's type 1 diabetes care and research.
