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Endocrinology Services

Endocrinology Experts Offer a Comprehensive Approach to Managing Diabetes, Thyroid Disease, and Pituitary and Adrenal Gland Disorders

Endocrinologists at University Hospitals offer a comprehensive approach to the diagnosis, management and treatment of diabetes, thyroid disease and pituitary and adrenal disorders. Our board-certified and fellowship-trained specialists provide state-of-the-art care focused on improving each patient’s quality of life.

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The Endocrine System is a Complex Grouping

Consisting of the pituitary, thyroid and parathyroid glands, the hypothalamus, pancreas, gonads and adrenal cortex, the endocrine system is a complex grouping of hormone-producing glands that control bodily functions such as metabolism, body growth and sexual development.

When these hormones fall out of balance, the effect on the body and the various medical disorders that result can be dangerous and sometimes deadly. With 16 full-time faculty and $5.3 million in National Institutes of Health funded research grants, the division’s endocrine specialist physicians, fellows and staff provide a full range of treatment and care services, which includes a strong focus on diabetes self-management.

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