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Financial Information


UH dietetic interns will receive a stipend of $13,000 (before taxes) over the course of the supervised practice experience. The stipend is processed through the hospital’s payroll system and a portion of it is received every two weeks via direct deposit. In addition to the stipend, each student receives a $1,000 meal stipend to be used throughout the supervised practice experience.

Estimated Expenses

  • Housing: $650-$950/month
  • UH Cleveland Medical Center parking: $50-$70/month. Transportation is mandatory for traveling to work, classes and off-site experiences.
  • Greater Cleveland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics student membership dues: $15
  • Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics student membership dues: $58

Health Insurance

UH dietetic interns are responsible for carrying their own medical insurance.

Scholarships/Student Loans

Scholarships and fellowships are available for interns or graduate students through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation.

For additional information regarding scholarship eligibility or to obtain an application, visit the ACEND website, or contact the Foundation staff at 800-877-1600 or by email at: scholarships@eatright.org.

University Hospitals Hurwitz Nutrition Scholars Program

Application based scholarship for high achieving first generation college students and/or from underrepresented groups within the field of nutrition and dietetics, as defined by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, in their pursuit of graduate degree.