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Early Diagnosis Gives Young Girl with Autism a Fresh Start

Miley Bogle

Heather Bogle knew something wasn’t quite right with the development of her daughter, Miley.

Although Miley was only 3 years old, she rarely made eye contact. She sorted toys by color, carefully lining them up, and became upset if one was out of order. And although Miley communicated with words when she was younger, she had recently stopped speaking altogether.

Ms. Bogle repeatedly expressed her concerns to Miley’s pediatrician, but was told that Miley was fine.

Finding Answers

Max Wiznitzer, MD
Max Wiznitzer, MD

After months of worry, Ms. Bogle decided to find a different pediatrician. She made an appointment with Marcus Baratian, MD, a pediatrician at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Healthy Kids Pediatrics in Streetsboro.

The switch gave Miley a new start in life.

“On my first visit with Dr. Baratian, he took time to really listen to my concerns. He carefully observed Miley at play and tried to communicate with her,” Ms. Bogle says.

“At that first visit, he told me Miley had autism spectrum disorder. I didn’t know anything about the diagnosis, but was relieved that someone listened to me.”

Specialty Coordination

Heather and Miley Bogle

Dr. Baratian referred Miley to Max Wiznitzer, MD, a pediatric neurologist with University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, for further evaluation and treatment.

Dr. Wiznitzer ruled out other health conditions that can mimic autism and confirmed Miley’s diagnosis.

“For anyone with autism spectrum disorder, getting a definitive diagnosis and seeking therapy right away is very important. The earlier the intervention, the better the outcome,” says Dr. Baratian, who coordinates closely with Dr. Wiznitzer.

“The family did an outstanding job seeking the diagnosis and care Miley needed,” he says.

Moving forward

Signs of autism

Some early signs of autism may include:

  • Repetitive behaviors, such as rocking, hand flapping or lining up toys
  • Avoiding eye contact or physical touch
  • Delay or regression of speech or other social milestones
  • Likes routines, order and rituals and has difficulty with change

Trust your instincts. If you think your child may have early symptoms of autism, talk with your pediatrician about your concerns and the best way to help your child. Don’t wait. Early intervention can make a big difference.

Miley has a moderate to severe form of autism spectrum disorder, which greatly affects her communication and social skills.

After diagnosis, she immediately began occupational and speech therapy. She also participates in a horse therapy program, which helps improve the social skills of children with autism through riding and caring for horses.

The efforts are working. Now, at age 5, Miley has begun to say some words and knows a little sign language to help her communicate her needs.

“With therapy, Miley is a much happier child. She is no longer as frustrated because now we can understand her needs. She is all smiles when we take her to the store or crowded events – something she couldn’t tolerate before. She loves to swim and is making good progress in school,” Ms. Bogle says. “She is integrated with mainstream children in kindergarten.”

Miley still sees her neurologist every six months and receives regular, preventive care from Dr. Baratian.

“Dr. Baratian is always there for us. We’re so happy we found him,” says Heather.

“We really try to know our families personally,” says Dr. Baratian. “We do much more than just treat illness – we work with parents to help support well-rounded children.”
