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University Hospitals Strategic Partnership Alignment Team Provides Support for Referring Physicians and Staff

The Strategic Partnership Team at University Hospitals is designed to provide valuable customer service to referring physicians and their staff. We connect physicians and their practices with specialty services and advanced medical care, located at facilities across northern Ohio. We are dedicated to working with referring physicians to develop and maintain solid relationships with UH.

Strategic Partnership Alignment Team

Our team is available to:

  • Provide information and education on new programs and services
  • Work with referring physicians and their staff to address issues or areas of concern in order to help ease the process of referring a patient to our health system for care
  • Serve as a liaison between the University Hospitals system and community physicians and providers
  • Help referring physicians and their staff obtain timely follow-up information on their patients and return them to the referring physicians for follow up care
  • Arrange personal meetings with a UH specialists and leaders
  • Arranging speakers for CME events, tumor boards, grand rounds, and symposiums
  • Provide information about the Physician Hospital Organization (PHO) to Independent providers
  • Share information on University Hospital’s transition to EPIC 
  • To arrange a hospital transfer, please call the UH Transfer Referral Center at 216-844-1111.

To refer a patient directly please call 855-222-1166.


Contact Us

Referring physicians and their staff can contact us with any questions they may have, for referral assistance, or to schedule a meeting. Please call 216-286-9024 or email us at PhysicianLiaison@UHHospitals.org. If you are a patient of University Hospitals with a question or issue, or wanting to request medical records, please contact UH Central Scheduling at 855-222-1166.